Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sunshine Girls

Mary and Sophie chillin in the crib

It was a nice day today. The girls and I took advantage of the weather. They went to the office with me for a little while this afternoon so I could turn in some invoices that were in the stack on my desk, since I never seem to get to those during the course of a work day. They were very patient while I took care of some work and did not cause too much of a disturbance in the office (besides folks being distracted by all the cuteness).

But the past few days in Charlottesville have been quite gloomy and rainy, which is why the girls are sporting some yellow and flowery outfits from Grandma. They have been our little rays of sunshine while we've been cooped up in the house all this time. Tomorrow, Dad's day to babysit, will be nice too, so I'm sure they'll take advantage of the sunshine.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Easter Picnic

Sophie and Dad


Let's go on a picnic!

Here are pictures from our picnic in the park that I mentioned on our recent post, "Easter in Georgia." These pictures were taken the Saturday before Easter during our visit with Peter's mom Ilona (that's Nagyi to the girls). It was a beautiful day so we just packed up the lunch Ilona had prepared and had a little picnic in a park nearby. We all had a great time as you can see in the pictures!

Don't we have some cute little bunnies?

Dining Outdoors

Horanyi Family: Dad and Sophie, Mom and Mary

Dad and Sophie, Nagyi and Mary

Mary and Mom

Nagyi and Sophie

Sophie and Dad

Nagyi and Mary

Nagyi and the girls all had a birthday recently. Sophie and Mary share their 1/2 birthday with Nagyi's birthday, which is April 7th. It's hard to believe the girls are already 6 months old, but the time has passed. (Didn't pass this fast when I was expecting for some reason.) They've each become more active in the past few weeks and are now rolling and turning around in their cribs in all directions. Hopefully they will also be crawling any day now - they are getting close. We go to the doctor tomorrow for their 6 month checkup. Can't wait to show the doctor much they have grown!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More on Easter in Georgia

Wow, that was a wordy post last time - what more can I say about our trip to Georgia? Well, yesterday morning when I got up with the girls I was thinking about all I wrote and realized I left out our trip to Aunt Tricia's house! I am sorry for not mentioning that - it was on Thursday, our first day there, so I was probably tired. :) Sophie was still getting used to the new environment and had a little spell there but was fine. Mary was fine the whole time and enjoyed being the center of attention while I was outside calming down Sophie.

The girls visited with Great Aunt Tricia, Uncle Bill and Amy for a while. Then Mandy and Kadie came by (Aunt Tricia's granddaughter who will be 2 this summer). Kadie was very nice to the babies and gave them both hugs. I think Mandy was a little nervous having her around little babies, but it was so sweet!

Don't have any pictures but will post some next time!