Mary, Mom and Sophie
Last Sunday was a beautiful day after a dreary Saturday with pouring rain. Kind of like today, actually, but I think Sunday was nicer. It was just a great day to be in Charlottesville. Peter had lab work to do. So the girls and I set off for Carter's Mountain Orchard to see some pumpkins. They really like pumpkins these days. We also got some apples - it is an apple orchard after all - and we had some of their signature apple doughnuts and went on a hay ride. Just the drive up the mountain was an adventure, on a mostly gravel road. The girls were in the back seat saying, "Whoa! Wow!" They enjoyed the rest of the visit as well.

It was such a nice day in C'ville, I took a couple of pics along the way - there's the mountain!

View from the top of the mountain

View of the orchard and cars driving down the mountain

Sophie eating a doughnut

Doughnuts, juice and a hayride - life is good!



View of the Apple Barn coming back from the hayride