So, it's been over a month since the last post and we've been doing fine, just not blogging. The girls are approaching 18 months (on April 7th) and although they don't seem much bigger, they are getting to be big girls. They are talking a lot more, most of it seems to be their own language though. Mary really likes to say "shoes," and she likes to take off her shoes in the car, at Kroger, etc. She also likes to put our shoes on. She tries to put on her own shoes but is not yet that coordinated. They both like books, and Sophie has her favorite books that she likes to bring us to read to her. Today Sophie started to say "hat." She had on her Georgia hat when we got out of the car this afternoon and said "hat." I said it back to her so she would know that was the right word. Then she went in her room by herself for a few minutes and practiced.
The girls have pretty much dropped their morning nap, but they still have a little quiet time mid-morning. They have been a little fussier than usual the past week or so and we think this may be why. Not too fussy but just a little different. The other day they were both being a little fussy with me so I just left them alone for a while to play by themselves. I could hear them giggling in their room and tried to take a candid video. It didn't work that well, but I figured I'd share it anyway so you can see how they've grown!