I'm standing in front of our new baby chest - well, new to us. Found it at this secondhand/antique shop called Circa on Friday. My parents and brother were in town from the 4th through Friday, which was nice - first time Russ had been to C'ville. We did a little shopping while they were here to find a dresser for the babies' room without much luck. I found this one after they left, and it's pretty solid. They don't make things like they used to. I like the colors too.
I recently got the first comments from a stranger on the babies, and I'm sure there are more to come. It was odd - just a random guy I saw walking across the street while I was on my way to my gym, ACAC, after work. He stopped me before I could cross the street, pointed at my belly and said "You're having a girl!" I think this was a few days after we found out the sexes...
me: Actually it's two girls.
random guy: I can tell because you're carrying it up high. Two, huh... they gonna cut you open?
me: Well, that's not really the plan, but I guess if they have to.
random guy: These your first? You know, all you'll have is girls from now on. That's gonna be a lot of work though - but if you've got an old man at home that's a lotta work too.
me: Yeah, I guess it will be a lot of work. I've gotta go but that's pretty perceptive of you knowing I'm having a girl.
He seemed satisfied with himself, being perceptive and all. And I had a good story about the crazy man I saw on my walk over to ACAC. At least he didn't try to touch my belly - I hear that's coming next.
1 comment:
Love the little dresser!! It looks like the colors in the bedding y'all picked out??
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