Monday, February 11, 2008

Sleeping Beauties

It happened last night - Mary and Sophie went to bed as usual around 7:00, but this time I did not have to go in their room until they woke up at 7:00 this morning. Will it happen again? I probably just jinxed it for tonight, ha, ha. That's OK. Usually someone wakes up and needs a pacifier or something in the middle of the night. I could probably just let them get themselves back to sleep when that happens, but then I might have 2 babies that are awake.

The girls just had their 4 month Doctor's appointment on Friday. They have grown a good bit and are closer to full-term baby weight now. Mary weighed 12 lb 5 oz and Sophie 12 lb 3 oz. Both girls laid on their bellies and rolled over for Dr. Wong. Sophie also showed off all the vowel sounds she can make now.

We are all doing great! The girls are more fun than ever. I'll post these pictures and write more later - Dad just got home from work.

Sophie: Can't a girl get some privacy after a bath?

Explorer Mary

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