This video was made the last time we were visiting Grandma and Papa in Georgia. They were actually up here just last weekend, and hopefully I'll have more pictures soon. Right now I have these of the girls and their Grandma, taken so they can study them and learn to say "Grandma." They are being a little stubborn about that. They've got "Papa" though.

The girls are growing and doing new things and saying new words all the time now. They can make a lot of animal sounds - dog, cow, sheep, duck (Mary), cat (Sophie). They know a lot of their books now and can "read" along and know what's coming next. They are at the stage (especially Sophie) where they like you to read books over and over. They are very friendly and will hug and kiss people but at the same time are getting better with staying nearby and learning boundaries. So we are having lots of fun. The girls are usually very busy except when they are sleeping.
One thing they like to do is try on clothes and shoes, especially shoes. They can both walk around wearing my shoes now... I've seen them attempt to walk in Peter's shoes but I'm not sure if even I can do that. Mary can put on her own shoes now, except for fastening a buckle. We haven't taken that many pictures lately, but thought I'd end by sharing this one of Mary wearing Dad's shorts he left in the living room that day. I think she thought it was funny too.
One thing they like to do is try on clothes and shoes, especially shoes. They can both walk around wearing my shoes now... I've seen them attempt to walk in Peter's shoes but I'm not sure if even I can do that. Mary can put on her own shoes now, except for fastening a buckle. We haven't taken that many pictures lately, but thought I'd end by sharing this one of Mary wearing Dad's shorts he left in the living room that day. I think she thought it was funny too.
Wow, they are starting to look so different now. I can tell them apart. Very cute. Palmer is liking the book thing too right now. Can't wait to get them together again. I bet they would have fun.
Toooo precious!!! I love you, girls -- Lisa and Peter, too!!!
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