Friday, July 11, 2008

Catching Up with Mary and Sophie

It’s been a while since the last post and we’ve been pretty busy, so here’s to catch up on things, and like my filing system I’ll go most recent first. (Sorry I got a new computer installed at work today and have been a little obsessed about file transfer… anyway, onto the girls!)

Sophie and Mary had their first full day at their new babysitter’s house on Tuesday. Erika has a 2 year old daughter, Elana, and she loves to play with our girls. The girls are just staying there on Tuesdays when I work, so Peter can get in an extra day of work during the week. They may stay with her at other times here or there. But I’m hoping this is the start of a wonderful relationship.

Sophie, Elana and Mary

Sophie demonstrating her table manners

The girls were 9 months old on Monday, July 7th. We spent the 4th of July weekend at home rained in but had a fun time playing inside. The girls were dressed in some cute red, white and blue outfits, so I took some pictures of them sitting on the changing table – watching the rain out of their bedroom window.

Mary and Sophie

The girls are eating more solids now and a little more variety. Sophie has really improved with the eating – she voluntarily opens her mouth now when I used to have to trick her. This picture was taken last month. At that time, I was feeding them both, but Sophie had her own spoon to feed herself. She wasn’t that capable, but she would keep putting the spoon in her mouth, and I could shove in food whenever there was an opening.

We took a vacation the first week in June – kind of – Peter went to the ACA meeting in Knoxville and we also got a place in Gatlinburg where I stayed with the girls and Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. I also got the chance to take a break and spend a couple of nights with Peter at the Hilton in Knoxville and go out with some friends I had not seen in a couple of years. The girls had a great time too – they went to the pool for the first time! We just went to the baby pool, but since then we’ve gotten some floats so they can be in the big pool with Mom and Dad. (We did that a couple weekends ago but no pictures.)

Mary and Sophie on the way to the pool

Testing the waters with Mom and Grandma

Mary likes to kick and splash!

Well, that gets us back up to date, I think. It’s about time for the girls to get up from their nap and I hear someone singing a baby song. Thanks for visiting!

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