Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2nd Birthday Part Deux

Mary and Sophie and their new rides

I wanted to post a few pictures I have from the girls' birthday party in Charlottesville, but the last post got pretty long with all the other birthday pictures. We had a small party at Azalea Park with a few friends. The girls got some tricycles for their birthday. They are still learning how to ride. That's their "fly babies" in the baskets - a birthday gift they got in GA from my cousin David's family.

Elana gets the party started

Trying out the trikes

Mary had to try the big kid swing after Elana's demonstration

Sophie can do it, too!

Kelsey and Tyler did not stay still for long - I could only capture them while spinning!

Mary takes a spin

Interestingly, I noticed the merry-go-round was missing from the park when the girls and I were there on Monday. Just a big spot where it used to be. Hopefully it will be back soon! There was a community meeting about plans for the park last night, I didn't go but want to find out what's going on. There are lots of parks in Charlottesville - this is the closest one to our house.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Do the girls love the tricycles? We're planning to get some for the boys, too...or maybe ask for them from generous family members. :)