Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mary and Sophie's First Haircut

Sophie and Mary outside the salon before the haircut

The girls got their first haircut today at two years old. So, it has taken a long time for them to grow this hair. I guess that's why I've waited until now to get them a trim. But as you see in the before picture, while not long, it had become a little unruly. They did well with the first haircuts today, especially because it was something new and being two of them, things take twice as long.

We all really like the new haircuts!

Mary before her haircut

After the haircut. Asking Mandy, "What product do you recommend?"

Sophie right after the haircut, she had lost patience by this point

But she got a good haircut.

Then we went to the mall and rode the "horsey!"

Mary go-round?


Carol and Harry said...

Love the new cuts - hope it helps the unruliness -- it is hard to contain curls!! Thanks for posting - you did a good job and I know they loved their carousel treat afterward!! Gammy loves y'all, Sophie and Mary!!

Gina said...

Those haircuts are adorable! I'm just in awe that it's their first one...but I know their hair grew slowly.

I remember many details about the boys' first haircut, even the was November 14th last year, the day I broke my wonder I remember it so well.

Hugs to you all!

David said...

Hi! This is the picture I took last night of the girls at the Lawn:

Thing One and Thing Two

Hopefully this will work and you'll get it. After we came home from trick or treating yesterday my wife realized that you all looked familiar because she had seen your blog from the moms of multiples boards.

We're expecting twin girls in January and we've already been joking about their Halloween costumes for next year being thing one and thing two!

Take care,